aunt is bad, uncle is good but helpless, mother-in-law is good and supportive
the female lead gets saved by a prince (in terms of both qualities and riches) and she is looking for basic respect and freedom - classic damsel in distress
the male lead gets pushed by the female lead and he acknowledges his responsibilities and finds his strength, he gets challenged by the female’s thought process and in turn keeps falling for her
both complete each other, opposites attract (if both complement each other), which is the case here
No strong conflict: Both (female and male leads) lack any negative trait, the resolution of their conflict is merely a conversation away - what they agreed upon and what they want now
Look dear. Everyone says character makes a man. But I say that the attire makes a man too. You dress right…you know you look good. You know you are making a good impression. And that will make you more confident. And it is a two-way thing. The attire makes you confident. And you being confident will make the attire look right!
They are not buying a dress. They are buying the image of a better and confident them!
Whenever you do something new, there will always be people to pull you down. Don’t worry about all that. Their comments are natural. You are not yourself. You are trying a new avatar. Any difference in what they are accustomed to will get a reaction. After some time, however, if you insist on keeping your new avatar, it will no longer be incongruous. It will become regular. And people will accept you the way you want them to.
Fidelity is like eating ‘dal chawal’ every day for the rest of your life.
To me, fidelity is not like eating something. It is like…what to say…yeah, it is like the sunset. It is the same every day, and yet so different. You rejoice in it every day. Just because the sun sets every day, does it make the experience any less exciting? No! It’s beautiful and different every day. New colors, new patterns… And it is not like you are waiting with bated breath for it to happen every day…because you know it will happen. And it is this exact feeling, the feeling of comfort, of predictability, of trust that it gives rise to, that makes it so wonderful. Fidelity is like that.
Bangalore greeted them with the most famous Bangalore traffic.
They all keep saying ‘jarugandi’. It means ‘keep moving’. Whatever problems you are facing, that have forced you to come to the temple, you have to keep moving. Either the problem will get solved… else you will get the strength to bear it. Either way, it’s just ‘keep moving’.
What numerous lectures and threats from Vaidehi had not accomplished, the simple faith that Neha had in him had done. It had kindled a fire in Arjun that was long gone.
If you still think they are cheating us…so what? Get cheated! Is it so bad? But if the request is genuine…which I believe it is…do you want to pass up on a real opportunity to help someone? You don’t get opportunities like this often. I assure you, it is worth taking the risk of getting cheated.
Maybe the goal of life is not just happiness and joy. Maybe the goal of life is purpose. When your life has a purpose, then you will definitely get happiness and joy as the byproducts!
It takes me a long time only to pick the battle. But once I have chosen my battle, I am like that gladiator. Once I get into the arena, I think of nothing else. The crowd disappears. The doubts go away. All that matters is just that challenge. All I can hear is the thumping of my own heart… no other voices. I have to do my best. I might still be killed, but I would have, for sure, given my hundred percent.
That it pays to be nice! And it is not for the benefit of others that you have to be nice, but for your own benefit. That man has probably forgotten all about it, but you are still obsessing over the incident.
Why was sharing such silly things in life so important? Was it really crucial? She thought for a bit and realized that they were important. It was not about just sharing the non-critical, non-interesting things… it was about sharing a part of her life. And she decided that for her, sharing this trivia was just as important as sharing the bigger, more important things in her life. And life was not largely made up of just those interesting, important things. It was mostly just a series of non-interesting things with interesting bits sprinkled in between.
Good times are magical. Not only do they make you happy while you are having them, but every time you think of them, there is this warmth that spreads in your heart.
“So, what you are saying is that these unrecorded moments in your life are far superior to the recorded ones?” “I guess… yeah!” “Which brings me back to my original question. If the recorded moments aren’t as worthy, is it worth recording them?”
You have to step out of your comfort zone. Life’s best experiences are found only out of your comfort zone.
Start criticizing people. Not in a bad way, but in a fun way at first. And then increase the intensity. People should be trained to take criticism. They should be trained to hear people talk bad about them until they are able to take it in their stride. The younger generation now is too protected. People are all scared to say anything bad about them. Parents are scared to criticize. Teachers are warned not to do it. But can you go on protecting a child like that forever? These overprotected children grow up and the minute they face rejection, they commit suicide. It is not the rejection that kills them, it is more about what other people might say. What they imagine other people must say behind their backs. They worry about it and think really bad things and off they go, jumping off a terrace.
whatever people say, I don’t care. You know, I am happier now, now that I don’t care what people say. And this attitude has puzzled people. They say things to affect me, but it does not work. And they have no clue why. I am poison resistant. I am strong, you know. In a way that other people will never understand. And that gives me a lot of freedom. Freedom to do what I want and say what I want. The shackles have been broken. I love this. I just want other people to feel this too.
Why was crying seen as a sign of weakness? Why was it seen as a lack of emotional intelligence and emotional maturity? Why are people who cry, pitied or frowned upon? She thought people should cry more often. It was so good. It was therapeutic. A good cry helped her vent out her sadness, helplessness, frustration, and anger. A good cry left her with a sense of calm. The tears flushed out all her negative feelings and thoughts. She was left with only positive thoughts and plans for what was to come next. It left her with a better sense of direction. There was even a slight feeling of euphoria.
misery loves company
he never compliments me! Never appreciates all that I do for him. I maintain a job, take care of our two kids, and do literally everything at home. I do so much. And I don’t care if he never appreciates too. But then he also should not blame me for every small thing that goes wrong. If something goes wrong tomorrow, I am sure he will blame me for it. I am more scared of that.